Thursday, March 30, 2017

Haifa Wehbe: I regret my marriage to Ahmed Abu Hashima

Haifa Wehbe is an artist who knew from the beginning that she had a long journey and planned and
 sketched her way and did everything she could to establish herself. I read the art scene and its variants. She moved from singing to acting and proved herself in both fields. Recognizes her status in the hearts of her fans and works hard to provide works of art worthy of their value. In an open dialogue to "Madam" I spoke with transparency for the first time about special aspects of her life.

It was your choice this year to stay away from presenting a drama series in Ramadan, what is behind this decision?
I have presented several scenarios to coincide with the preparation of the album, I thought that all these presentations need to study and lengthy discussions, and presented me with ideas similar to the series «Mary». She apologized. The success of the series «Maryam» made me late in the offers to add to coincide with the preparation of my album. Album needs to be emptied. It was impossible to find time.
As an artist always looking for new Is there an idea or scenario in Balak want to submit after the series «Mary»? Did you want this year to follow up what was presented in the month of Ramadan of ideas in preparation for Ramadan 2017?
Last year, I could not follow up on the dramatic ideas because Ihnmaki filmed the series "Maryam", which continued to be filming until after the twentieth of last Ramadan, even the authors of "Mary" did not attend. By following the series this year, I noticed that there are tendencies to deal with crime stories as well as side stories in the series. Most of the series are no longer based on a single tournament, but they are based on stories that serve the series and push it forward. Intelligence in the processing of ideas lies in the plot of the story that I think is more important than the scenario. Through reading many of the scenarios I felt that the novel is always the most successful and most secure for the success of the series because its beginning and end are known. The scriptwriter can not act as he wishes to put an end to the series as happened at the end of the series «Mary».
What social situations and problems do you like to play in the Arab drama series?
There are many social issues that people experience and are exposed to in their daily lives such as lying, betrayal, divorce, association with a particular interest, and fraud under the slogan or cover of intelligence and justified blasphemy operations as shorthand and their role in society and giving them a wide space between people and allowing them to interfere in their lives. I like to deal with social issues with a comedy that paints a light smile and I like detective stories.
What series of serials were shown during the month of Ramadan?
I followed the series «above the level of suspicions» of actress Yousra and serial «birth certificate» of the representative Tareq Lotfi. He is a highly qualified and deserving representative of his success.
I have spoken in your talk about betrayal in dramatic ideas, if you are betrayed, how do you behave?
For me, treachery, dishonesty and treachery are things I do not forgive; because I am very faithful to the secrets of others and I do not show them. If someone entrusts me with a purpose for the sake of honesty, I do not rest until I return him to his companions. He who deceives me or deceives the Secretariat, I will remove him from my life.
I do not care about the position of ambassador, not his duties
What might stop you in your daily life?
The elderly who raised their children and then left their children. They are not beggars. They only need those who support them humanely. If the Lord of the slaves honored his slaves, why does the slave does not support his fellow man?
Everyone knows that Haifa Wehbe is a good actor but in secret. Why so far have not you been appointed Goodwill Ambassador?
I am as an ambassador to my Lord. I do not care about the position of ambassador, not his duties. There are many people doing good without a job.
Is Haifa herself rich?
I am not naive to leave myself without material safety.
Have you considered entering the world of commerce to preserve your wealth, especially as your media needs money? In the end, most artists go through physical destitution?
I have money for all people and my Lord will not forget me. There is no media coverage of an artist leading to bankruptcy. The money of the artist goes in case he entered into a losing trade and continued in it. I'm a technician who earns me and my image is my business.
Is heart beats Haifa, and is it ready to receive a new love? Do you think about marriage again?
These things (things of love) are not negotiable in the media. I am a person of my heart, like the heart of a child, and it beats when necessary. Do not answer the question with regard to marriage, since it only brought me remorse.
I understand that you regret your marriage?
Of course I regretted it.
However, you may change your mind about marriage later. Then, will you marry an unknown person?
Originally, my heart will only love a layman. The problem is that I marry a layman and leave him an extraordinary person!
I understand from your words as it happened in your marriage to Ahmed Abu Hashima where he was a layman and when I married him he became known?
Haifa replied indifferently, saying: "Normal" (meaning this is obvious and clear).
Haifa loves the artist more than Haifa artist
Do you believe in life?
Of course, I only believe in the extent and the God who wants us to get. He gave us reason to think about.
What do Haifa Wehbe like?
I love the composition of our Lord Almighty. What I love most is a figure bearing this shape. The joy and the zeal appear on my face. The one I love or hate knows this from the expressions of my face. I love my freedom. Most people have their own idea of ​​me is fantasy. I love Haifa, not Haifa, which is in the imagination of both people.
What do you think about people's imagination?
My picture in their imagination is the unsociable (non-social) devils imagining me walking home and I'm wearing a feather dress. While in fact I am a simple temperamental person who changes every day. I am influenced by all the factors surrounding me. I really love Haifa more human than Haifa artist because she is tired.
Does Haifa manage her own affairs or not?
On the contrary, I care. I love cleanliness and arranging an important understanding in my life

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