Wednesday, April 30, 2014

htc one mini Review

" Mini" , the word has become commonplace in the market for smart devices recently both for computers tablets or smartphones , Vhacob Apple " iPad Mini" - for example - came to meet the need of those who did not Itlaemoa with a measurement of 9.7 inches for the issuance of basic computer tablet , not to mention the difference price between the two versions , the first thing is looking for the majority of users . as in the smartphone market , was the Samsung is the first to adopt the idea of ​​Mini Edition " Mini" and the launch of the phone " Galaxy S 3 Mini" a few months after the launch of the phone Galaxy S 3 , and the the same step with the phone Galaxy S 4 , and also it comes factor measurement appropriate for use as a motive major manufacturers to put up miniature versions of its phones that are popular and wide , especially that there is a large segment of users not able to adapt to large format screen since popularized the proliferation of smart phones increases measuring 4.7 -inch screens , and in some cases up to 6.4 inches.Today we have a phone , " HTC Wen Minnie " who is trying to HTC through re success achieved by his older brother "hTC One" but the smaller size is more convenient to use with one hand while trying to keep the smartphone experience unique in the specifications and design , Will will bring " Wen Minnie " the success of his older brother ? To see!

Specifications and design

Received phone HTC "One" impressive both saw thanks to the strength of its construction and its elegant and distinctive , and fortunately was able HTC re that success in an identical copy of the phone "One" smaller and less expensive , and the phone is available , " Wen mini " black , and silver in our hands .
Classifies the phone , " Wen Minnie " in the category of mobile medium , but given the appearance and design looks like from mobile top category more expensive , since the phone features all rivals structure of metallic Shining is made of aluminum , and reminds you of the appearance of the phone , " specifically in the silver color of it " computers Apple notebook " MacBook " Once touched or seen , so the phone " Wen Minnie " is one of the smartphones that rarely find I have ever seen in its class with respect to elegantly design and quality manufacturing materials .
Take the corners of the phone on both the top and bottom , showing a curved , and on the front of the phone , we find a pair of speakers , and one of them to the top of the screen and the other to the bottom of them , and we found through testing that the speakers are one of the main points of deals in the phone , " Wen Minnie " for her powerful voice with a high level of quality and purity has not yet found in any of the mobile competition within the same category, thanks to the advanced techniques of beats in the field of acoustics .
In the center of the upper loudspeaker placed HTC light dedicated to system alerts, and to his right , we find the front camera of the phone to the left , we find a proximity sensor .
And to the top of the speaker bottom we find the logo hTC and on both sides , we find two buttons are working screen are the home menu button " on the right " warez Go back " on the left " , and missed phone HTC " Wen Minnie " , like a lot of phones the company , to the menu button so the actual may encounter some cases where that would accrue automatically to the fore because of the phone's main touch the wrong button, the main menu.
On the right edge of the phone we find the volume control buttons ,
On the left , we find the corresponding port call micro SIM card , which can not be opened only by a very precise tool " pin or a needle ."
On the upper side of the phone and put the HP TS C " as usual " power button "which is the same to lock and unlock the screen " , one of the negative aspects that are taken on most of the phones HTC Smart , especially the big ones , what constitutes confusion when you open and lock the screen or when you need to turn on the phone .
And on the bottom of the phone , we find the microphone , and Micro USB port for charging the phone and synchronize files with personal devices .
On the back side of the phone , " Wen Minnie " We find the camera along with LED flash and a microphone at the top and the slogan "beats audio" at the bottom and flanking logo hTC, and as we mentioned earlier , most suggest the back side of phone products " Mac " from the Apple and distinctive rows of silver Buraq .
The phone has Wen Minnie screen IPS LCD2 measuring 4.3-inch high-definition precision 1280 × 720 pixel density of 342 pixels per inch and therefore the highest resolution screen my phone Apple " iPhone 5 S " and " iPhone 5 C " with the knowledge that each of them has a screen measuring 4 inch density of 326 pixels per inch .Phone screen does not support full clarity (1080 × 1920 pixels) , but we do not find a flaw in it, The accuracy of the screen 1280 × 720 pixels suited for measuring 4.3 inches , as well as to provide the phone screen full HD will mean greater intensity of the pixels in an area of ​​4.3 inches , which adversely affect battery life .
It also has a phone screen , " Wen Minnie " , angles broad vision , and better yet the colors are rich and bright and close to reality and a high level of contrast, and protects the screen layer of glass " Gorilla Glass 3 " stainless breaking and scratching .Besides measuring the appropriate screen " 4.3-inch " , take the back side of the phone , showing arched , all of which makes the phone snaps seamlessly into the palm of the hand to be used with one hand is quite easy unlike phones which increases the measurement screens for 4.7 inch where he finds a lot of Almstkhaddan difficulty in use, especially during printing .Phone " Wen Minnie " slim thickness not exceeding 9.3 mm and weighs 122 grams only , and the biggest differences that can be observed in the phone , " Wen Minnie " for his older brother , " Wen " is to replace the metal edges another glossy plastic on the phone , " Wen Minnie " , and although they may lose something aesthetically , but at the same time it gives him the side of durability and protection .Provided the phone Wen mini processor Qualcomm " Snap Dragon 400 " dual-core processor and a frequency of 1.4 GHz processor and graphics Adreno 305 with random access memory capacity of 1 GB , compared with the processor Snap Dragon 600 quad-core processor in the phone larger " Wen " , and do not mean here that the processor phone " Wen Minnie " Bad performance and affects the general experience of the phone, but by way of comparison only .The phone is available , " Wen Minnie " one option for internal storage capacity by 16 GB ( which is available by 15 GB for the user ) Unfortunately, the phone does not support the small port storage cards Micro SD so you have to fit in with this amount of available storage space.It is worth mentioning that the phone "hTC One" does not support as well as increased storage capacity through Micro SD storage cards perhaps because it is available with two options for internal storage capacity of 32 GB and 64 .The phone supports " Wen mini " version of the fourth and Bluetooth standards a / b / g / n Wi-Fi technology , and supports networks fourth generation 4G LTE in selected markets , " including the Arab region ."

Android Jelly between 4.2.2 & Sense 5.0 interface from HTC

The phone comes Wen Minnie loaded version 4.2.2 Jelly between the Android system with interface HTC Sense 5.0 new , and distinguishes the interface HTC software Sense 5.0 for other interfaces programming competition feature " Blink vid blinkfeed" on the main screen of the phone, which is platform offers the user a summary news and the latest updates from various social networks : Facebook, Twitter after a user by linking accounts of private networks .... the platform supports " Blink vid blinkfeed" content broadly , has already firm HTC that announced the signing of agreements partnerships to provide news content digital with four of the leading news agencies on the regional and international levels which Al Arabiya and Reuters and Al-Jazeera and CNN Arabic , such a move would provide a user phone HTC " Wen Wen Minnie " the latest developments as switch The main screen of the phone to stream live information and direct , and will join the four specialized agencies regionally and internationally to a huge list of companies providing digital content with more than 1,400 partner platform Blinkfeed. One of the things you'll notice after clearly in the operating system in the phone HTC " Wen Minnie " variant of the list of applications , specifically in the style of movement among them , you drag a vertical " up and down " to move between icons other than the traditional method of Android phones where the other is navigated by dragging horizontal " left and right " .

Platform supports " Blink vid blinkfeed" Content is widely

It is obvious differences also style access to the Tools page "widgets" and through the Home interface Sense 5.0 only , while we used to see in addition to the list of applications in other interfaces such as Touchwiz from Samsung , and through a double-click button on the main menu can be accessed another application that were opened "recent Apps" and through it are displayed last nine applications were used , a method reminiscent of those that are available in the Nokia N9, and pull through one of the windows towards the top will close the application. otherwise it seems the operating system closer to the Android system pure and abstract from any other interfaces , and thus characterized by Android system phones in HTC him in Samsung phones with Touchwiz interface but the latter is characterized by the provision of a wider choice regarding aspects of customization.
The overall performance of the phone smoothly we have not encountered any slow mentions when running applications and move between interfaces and this puts him at the forefront of the majority of mobile competition within the same category " medium " , but if you compare the performance between the two devices , " Wen Minnie " and " Wen " will certainly be a victory for Big Brother ahead little time when the application runs , thanks to a larger capacity of the temporary memory and faster speed of quad-core processor , and will lose the phone , " Wen Minnie " bet when the comparison in the field of play games because of the capabilities of the graphics processor for less .The phone provides a keyboard "virtual" -like keyboard available on most Android phones , provided the printing experience easy and convenient high degree of response ,Camera technology, " Olandpeixl "Owns phone HTC " Wen Minnie " Rear Camera accurately 4 megapixel technology , especially from HTC called " Olandpeixl " revealed by the company for the first time in the smartphone " Wen " and considered one of the most prominent features of the phone then what will achieve the quantum leap in the field of photography Digital via smartphones .
Means technique Olandpeixl developed by HTC that the space -pixel become larger than in the smart phone competition ( with a length of the camera HTC 2 micrometers versus 1.4 micrometers in cameras, most of the mobile competition ) , which contributes to the provision of high-quality photos , especially in the low-light conditions because the large area of pixels means absorb a larger amount of light and therefore the result will be images of high-quality night .
In this sense, the technique Olandpeixl clear it up to the users that the amount of the " megapixel " directly affects the size of the resulting images and not on the quality , we may find that the quality of images through the phone , " HTC One " 4- megapixel only much better quality than through a camera Samsung " Galaxy S 4 " with a 13 megapixel camera .
Through testing, we found that the pictures good day , but when you enlarge the image you will lose a lot of details of the scene of some quality.

As well as images nightlife is good, as it enabled us to phone " Wen Minnie " to take pictures in conditions of dim lighting with a good level of detail and can " Wen Mini" to compete in the photos the night with smart phones from the top category , such as Sony's " Xperia " Z and Samsung " Galaxy S 4 " , and do not mean here you will get the same level of quality at all times , but the phone can " Wen Mini " to be ready to compete in certain circumstances .We would like to note here also that the phone " Wen Minnie " lacks property OIS image stabilization provided by HTC in the phone , " Wen " , he surmised that the pictures get blurry sometimes .Advantages in the application of the new camera phone " Wen Minnie " property "HTC Zoe" which allows recording short video " for a few seconds " before taking a still image .
The camera can also record full HD 1080P video at 30 frames per second , and as mentioned above , may distort some of the video scene motion blur due to the absence of property OIS.The phone has a " mini- Wen ," as well as a front camera of 1.6 megapixel accurately can make video calls clear 720P.

Short-lived " relatively " battery

We have never had any significant problems during the making calls over the phone Wen Minnie, noise of pure and audible clearly ends of the connection , either through the speaker or through the loudspeaker , and as we mentioned earlier , the performance of the speakers in the phone Wen Minnie are more things that won the admiration in the phone .But of the things which have not been impressed the battery life of the phone , it has provided " Wen " Mini battery is replaceable with a capacity of 1800 mAh / time can not " in many cases " stand for the last day and using the medium to light , we found that the phone drains a lot of battery faster than it should though it is still in standby mode and without the extensive use .But when you start to use you'll find that the battery loses about 15% of capacity in each hour , so Valhatf Wen Minnie will not accommodate those who prefer a smart phone lasts throughout the day using a capacitor.

Best in class " mobile medium "

Phone has HTC " Wen Minnie " a lot , which makes it distinct from all competitors in its class such as construction quality and elegance and aesthetic design , as well as some distinctive Kalshashh components and speakers.But its price of $ 540 may not be the phone , " Wen Minnie " appropriate option for many, " given the class ," When this level of price was hoped that holds your specifications better in some components , " the most powerful performance as a therapist ."


Attractive design , elegant and nicely .
Screen distinctive.
Outstanding performance of the speakers.


Short lifespan of the battery.
The position of the power button " and lock and unlock the screen ," causing a lot of confusion .
High price " in its class ."
Phone HTC " Wen Minnie " is the best in its class in terms of elegance and mastery of design , with the exceptional performance of the screen and speakers , and do not detract phone just some of the capabilities of his older brother, " Wen " If we look at the price of $ 540 .

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