Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Samsung mobile phone - DNS Error

DNS (Domain Name System) is a web based service which translates alphabetic domain names into numeric IP address. If you have a Samsung mobile telephony which is showing the error message as DNS error when you access any websites through your mobile internet browser, it means that you have turned on auto receive mails which automatically verifies your mails or you have tried sending mails but there are no proper mail settings in your mobile which results in that you will not be able to view or retrieve the site you are attempting to access on your mobile telephony. Make the proper settings by disabling Verification frequency and save them.
I've got a new Samsung mobile phone and it keeps prompting me the following error message:
DNS error 


In fact the problem is due to the fact that your Device is automatically verifies for new received emails...
  • Menu.
  • Settings.
  • Messages.
  • E-mails.
  • Receive/Reception option.
  • Disable Verification frequency and save settings.

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