Thursday, August 1, 2013

Comparison between Samsung Galaxy S III and HTC One X

Samsung  introduced her anticipated Galaxy S III, after a short period of putting HTC also her most prominent for the year 2012, which HTC One X. As repeated scenario last year between the Galaxy S II and HTC Sensation scenario is repeated this year, as the two devices are vying for the title of best phone. True that Sony Ercisson issued phones are also excellent but all eyes turn now to the comparison between the Samsung and HTC telephone being the carrying stronger specifications (on paper) and in particular the fact that Monday offer quad-core processors.

 The owner of the screen are the best? Type of screen Super AMOLED HD heavily 1280 × 720 size 4.8 "screen and other unique S-LCD 2 density of 1280 x 720 and size 4.7" But is that all? Of course not, both high-the backers definition screens, but the important question Which is the best? The nature of the screen Alamolad in phone Galaxy SIII give more than a fantastic screen LCD, where they show the colors of the screen is cool, but this does not mean ill-screen LCD at the One X on the contrary Fshahh latter excels in offering edges are softer, but here are year note outweigh the Super Amoled screen slightly. View the original content on the network with us recreational comparison between the Galaxy SIII and HTC One X

Processor and memory

If we will talk about the internal memory of the device the comparison is very easy, we have a internal memory of 32GB without entrance microSD to increase the memory space, and another device offers you three areas starting from 16GB and until you reach 64GB, and in addition to the entrance of microSD can increase the memory space to 64GB Additional, I do not think it's no comparison here a clear superiority in favor of Galxa. For the processors, the One X works with Nvidia Tegra 3 processor four core frequency of 1.5GHz, and on the other side of our Galaxy SIII phone that works with a processor Exynos 4412 processor quad-core frequency of 1.4GHz and also both devices possess random memory up to 1GB, so far, the excellent things for the four-Samsung-core processor, but the One X it is wonderful, but in very rare cases, the phone may be exposed to a slight slowdown in performance, but will not affect the device fully


Despite the beauty and clarity of camera phone the One X but the camera the Galaxy SIII proved its superiority in this regard, in the comparisons between the two devices we see the emergence of colors better in the imagery of phone Galaxy SIII, also do not forget feature in the phone Galaxy SIII which allows you to link the image of the person so that every time you pick up a picture of the person recognized by the person you send the other person if you want this.

Size and mobility

In fact there is no significant difference between the two devices at this point, Vhatv the Galaxy SIII has screen size 4.8 "and the One X of screen size 4.7" If the difference of 0.1 "will not constitute a big difference, and from my point of view would not I notice any difference in the Indeed, even for weight there is the huge difference between the two devices,the Galaxy SIII is 133 grams while Warren the One X of 130 grams, so I think that both devices Mtadelan in this regard.
There is no comparison, the Galaxy SIII battery power 2100mAh battery while the One X 1800mAh strongly believe that the confrontation resolved from the beginning, if they are to be further clarified the phone Galaxy SIII battery that can last for 10:20 hours continuous talk about using the 3G connection technology , while the One X phone can last for 9:57 hours almost the 3G technology, for the development of the Stand By the Galaxy phone will last for about 19 days and 12 days for phone HTC One X.

User Interface

The point at which constitute a turning point in the comparison between the two devices, for as long best known htc interface Sense, which many consider the best user interface for devices Android due to the smoothness and comfort provided by the use, htc developed the interface a lot recently, but with the new interface Sense 4 with devices the One, the the interface returned to her style classic simple, Samsung late in submitting user interface Louise where it was submitted after the htc and maybe some see very unusual, but we will not right Samsung to improve the facade of the former are now offering voice commands convergence Siri in concept and many new features that characterize the ice cream sandwich Android 4 Kaltaraf the Aaluge to open the lock.

Is very difficult to judge and determine the winner in a paragraph and use interface, and I think that the same user is able to determine the winner and the best suited him.

Additional features

At first it was phone the One X Etemz camera great dazzled total when he was presented the first in the MWC 2012 in Spain, but came now phone the Galaxy SIII to withdraw this feature that characterized the particular camera wonderful, do not forget that this is not the only feature of the phone Galaxy SIII, the phone has many features such as S Voice Siri competition which will be giving orders and being implemented, and so she can hear and the implementation of the order, even if you are listening to an audio clip. Do not forget as well as the S Beam feature that allows you to transfer data from the Galaxy SIII phone to Galaxy SIII another. As well as follow-up property of the eye that the camera follow the movement of the eye and do not you close the screen as long as you look at it.
This comparison between the two phones are now the top phones Android, despite being vastly phone Galaxy SIII in most of the points of this comparison, but we are at the site and Akimobail do not deny the quality Phone HTC One X and splendor and is an alternative more than excellent for those who do not wish to acquire Galxa SIII for some reason.

Also, for true Android fanatics I'd still recommend getting the Galaxy Nexus since it's going to get the latest Android updates a lot faster than the One X or the S III. For example, Google’s newly-released incremental upgrade, Android 4.1 “Jelly Bean,” has already started rolling out to Galaxy Nexus phones. It could be six months or more before the One X, Galaxy S III, and the Razr Maxx get Jelly Bean (although Samsung is rumored to be getting Jelly Bean before the end of the summer -- that would be a welcome development, but we’ll see if it materializes).

So there you have it. If you’re in the market for a new Android device , I’d recommend the HTC One X, except for heavy business users (get the Droid Razr Maxx) or serious Android fanatics (get the Galaxy Nexus).

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