Thursday, August 1, 2013

Windows: Viewing the local error log

The Windows Event Viewer is where WebSphere® Message Broker writes records to the local system. Use Windows system facilities to view this log.

Viewing the system log

The system log contains events logged by the Windows system components. For example, the failure of a driver or other system component to load during startup is recorded in the system log. To view the system log:
  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. At the prompt, type eventvwr. This opens the Windows Event Viewer.
  3. On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, click System Log in the left pane of this window. This option might be selected by default.
    On Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, expand the Windows Logs tree in the left pane of this window, and click System. This option might be selected by default.
    All the events that have been written to the local system are displayed.

Viewing the application log

The application log contains events that are logged by applications or programs. For example, a database program might record a file error in the application log. To view the application log:
  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. At the prompt, type eventvwr. This opens the Windows Event Viewer.
  3. On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, click Application Log in the left pane of this window. This option might be selected by default.
    On Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, expand the Windows Logs tree in the left pane of this window, and click Application. This option might be selected by default.
    All the events that have been written by applications or programs to the local system are displayed.

Interpreting log information

In both logs, each event is displayed on a separate row, in date and time order (most recent first), with the following information:
  • Type: The event type, which can be information, a warning, or an error.
  • Date and time: The date and time when the event was written to the log.
  • Source: What action has caused the event.
  • Category: The category of the event. The default category is none.
  • Event: The event number.
  • User: The name of the user at the time of the event.
  • Computer: The name of the local machine.
To view an individual log entry:
  1. Within the system or application log, find the log entry.
  2. Right-click the entry.
    • On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, click Properties to open the Information Properties window.
      The window shows a description of the event and a Data section that details bytes or words that were parsed when the record was written to the log.
    • On Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, click Events to open the Event Properties window.
      The window shows a description of the event. Select the Details tab to view bytes or words that were parsed when the record was written to the log.
  3. In the Information Properties or Event Properties window, use the up and down arrows to move through the events of the log.
  4. To close the Information Properties or Event Properties window, click OK to return to the system or application log.

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