Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S 4 Vs. HTC one

In the past year there have been strong competition and the close proximity in shape and specifications and performance between Galaxy S 3 and HTTP HTC One X but this year there are huge crowds and close proximity between the two companies . Today, we are comparing Galaxy S4 and HTTP Si Wen . Big difference this year , unlike the previous year . In 2012 the design and specifications are very close but this year every company took a different direction . Wallace 4 is a natural evolution of Last 3, but HTTP Si Wen is very different from X - Alon . Now at the site  start the comparison.Figure Samsung has maintained the general shape used in Wallace 3 and raised Galaxy S Larger 4 and a 5 - inch screen , but it is thin and very light. Lid is made of reinforced plastic and this helps to reduce weight , but does not give that sense of values ​​. Most companies took direction Up sizing and 5 - inch screens , but HTC has maintained a 4.7-inch screen size , and therefore the size of the phone is slightly smaller than most phones , but with a little This Valhatf introduce Wallace 4 and thicker him . The main difference in the figure is the cover . Unlike Galaxy S 4  Fallon coated aluminum cover without breaks , and this increases the durability and elegance , but at the expense of weight.


Galaxy 4 Available two different systems and did not specify the type of processor that Samsung plans to launch in the Middle East. A model with a 1.9 GHz processor quad-core processor and the other 1.6 GHz eight -core processor. The HTTP Si Wen is the Supplier a 1.7 GHZ processor quad-core processor . And thus the superiority of Galaxy S 4 and Monday that were severely speed too .Ext equipped with 2 MB RAM. Wallace 4 more choices in the size of the memory 16 , 32 and 64 GB with the possibility of adding an additional memory card up to 64 GB ., which limited 32 and 64 GB and there is no place to add a memory card , such as Wallace 4 . Ext working with Android Jelly between the new and we expect that the system is updated in the two phones in the summer after subtracting Google 's Android system later in May .


Screen Galaxy S4 5-inch size is larger than the HTTP Wen Si 4.7-inch screen and this is a big advantage . Some people may see the large size and are looking for a defect size is not so old age , but in the Walloon drawback is that with the smaller screen phone is not only very slightly smaller . Ext screen with the same number of pixels and is 1080 in 1920 and hence the number of pixels per inch in HTTP C- 469 , is more from Conexant, 441 and therefore the screen more نقاءا a little , but the difference is tangible .


Camera where many paradoxes . First, basic camera in excellent Galaxy and is a 13 - megapixel and works well. The Walloon decided liberation of the pixel race and gave only a 4 - megapixel camera . But the pixel in Walloon size 300 % larger than normal pixel and thus more light enters . Thus HTTP CNN camera Wen characterized in internal imaging and night As for outdoor shooting in a good light Most cameras you shoot well without clear differences . Program and the new possibilities in imaging are becoming important in the phones . The two companies forward a lot in mobile marketing and titles are different , but the possibilities are very similar to Zoe property promoted by HTC found in Wallace 4 . Ext filming 1080 High- quality video and cameras front convergent and if HTTP CNN slightly superior 2.1 megapixel camera compared the Galaxy 2 mega pixel camera .

Additional possibilities

Phone Galaxy S4 collect all that exists in the world of mobile possibilities . It is characteristic provider infrared to control the TV and its interactive tools with animation , sound and sight. And there are new programs of such health program to measure the calories and many others.HTTP Si Wen audio excellence . It  makes the speaker sound pure and high . And conversation time can be focused on the speaker 's words without external noise . But one of the most important differences is the philosophy of HTC  is a direct update of personal content on the main screen . Excellent idea because you will not need to move from program to program to find what you want and thus the news reaches you quickly and easily . Drawback that you can not invalidate the update and also limited data sources did not find News Football News , for example .


Excellent , and you will be happy with any of them . Galaxy S4 larger screen and lighter , top-notch , and each provider what your dream in any phone and also different memory sizes . HTTP Si Wen shape values ​​in aluminum and packaging property and excellent camera imaging procedure. Wallace 4 interacts with you physically and visually , phonetically and like a part of you . The HTTP Si Wen is well - proportioned and beautiful with headphones and audio is excellent. We are waiting to know prices so the comparison is complete .

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